Shanal presenting his work on late-stage S-imination at the 2nd CPPC on-zoom virtual conference on peptide and protein chemistries – well done!
Celebrating the end of 2024 in style at Rogue Kitchen and Bar – Chemistry knows how to throw a great party.
Perrin lab hosts department coffee hour – for late-November rainy day, what a spread! Nice show, group!
A double-double sabrage to celebrate our recent publications in JOC and Chem. Sci.; the boss instructs first authors on key lab technique to achieve high-yielding results starting with 3 atm of pressure. The best part of HQP training!
Two Perrin-lab students got the honor to represent our peptide work at the 2024 European Peptide Symposium in Florence Italy – nice job at the talk and poster sessions – buon viaggio!
Sangria in the Garden – 2024 – a tradition continues at the end of summer to thank our undergraduate summer students – hosted by the boss, sangria rosa and appies.
Our annual summer Thursday “group meeting” is held at Spanish Banks beach; sun, bbq, snacks, drinks, outdoor games.
End of June: Perrin lab’s turn to host the department coffee hour – well done group.
End of May – it’s graduation time: always a pleasure and an honor to take a photo on grad day for the fantastic undergrads who had the chance to experience research in my lab, surrounded by some of our graduate student mentors with whom they worked. Way to go grads class of 2024 – onto greater things!
End of April: always an honor to have a end-of-term picture with some of UBC-Chemistry’s finest undergraduates in our lab just as they finish their 449 and 445 theses – here flanked by two superb graduate student mentors who worked tirelessly day-to-day with our very fine undergraduate student researchers!
For the first time since the pandemic, the Perrin lab took a road trip to attend the Volcano conference in PACK Forest outside of Eatonville, stopping at Pikes Place Farmer’s market in Seattle on the way; three talks and three posters.
Plan was to head up to Cypress mountain but the weather didn’t cooperate – warm and raining, but the boss cooperated with mulled drinks in the back yard. Dinner up 4th Ave at our favorite Indian restaurant.
A double-double: two publications accepted within 48 hr – we marked the occasion at group meeting with two sabrages – congrats to the authors (Ok the boss had assist with the sword).
Another semester ends with a great chem. department party at Rogue; the boss hosted and bought tickets for the lab.
Sangria in the Garden – 2023 – a tradition continues to thank our undergraduate summer students and visiting French students, at the end of summer – hosted by the boss, sangria blanca and appies.
Sabrage! Celebrating the on-line appearance in Synthesis of our paper on the economical synthesis of beta-proline – one of two first authors (an undergrad) does the honors of cracking open a bottle of bubbly while the boss makes sure we’re safe….well done authors!
Perrin lab hosts department summer-time coffee hour – lots of sweets – nice show!
Proud of our senior grad student Shambhu for winning the Dr. ELIZABETH A. SCHRAM AWARD 2023 young Investigator award at the American Peptide Society Meeting in Scottsdale Arizona – June 2023
The tradition continues – 23 years and counting – our standard group meeting at the beach down the hill – talking science, eating bbq meats, and playing frisbee
3 student talks and 3 student posters – a great show at this year’s CSC held in Vancouver – the weather couldn’t have been more cooperative – a rare event in June: the boss sporting a bowtie.
And celebrating cap-n-gown for the same two honors undergrads – way to go! Nice to have other future graduates join in for the photo!
Taking a photo with two awesome honors undergraduate 449 students on their defense-day – well done!
Undergrads in Chem 213 invited the boss to celebrate their “storm the wall” team effort calling themselves the Dave Perrin Fan Club – way to go UBC chem undergrads!
To celebrate two papers being accepted in the same week – a double-double; with a little instruction from the boss, Jerome cuts open two bottles of bubbles in freeze-frame and the boss helps with the pour; a nice way to start off group meeting and congratulations Jerome!
Boss’ birthday – group meeting by zoom but cake in person in lab – many happy returns.
February Snow Day – as tradition would dictate, the group bailed on labwork and hit the local hills; Thursday evening group meeting at 6pm: in the boss’ yard with mulled wine and apple cider, followed by dinner up 4th Ave.
The semester ends with a great chem. department party at Rogue – the boss bought us all tickets and even was caught dancing.
Thanksgiving 2022 – for those from away or just wanting to be social, some got together for a potluck dinner to which the boss contributed cash and wine.
Sangria in the Garden – 2022 – a tradition continues to thank our undergraduate summer students at the end of summer – hosted by the boss, Sangria Rossa, Appies and Pizza.
Our turn to host the department coffee hour – what a spread!
Successful lab BBQ 2022 at Spanish Banks – aka our annual group meeting at the beach.
At the American Peptide Symposium – always a great conference – students presenting posters and the boss trying not to look nervous on stage while talking about new synthetic amatoxins to an audience of 300.
Always an honor to be asked to pose in a photo of graduating undergrads who have worked so hard in my lab – Congrats to Jimin on her graduation from UBC – we’re so proud of her as she’ll be staying on at UBC for her M.Sc.! Looking forward to a bright future in science.
Marking nice weather Friday May 20 with a sabrage on the heels of Mihajlo’s thesis defense and departure, Antonio stepped in to do the honors of cutting open a bottle of bubbly (freeze-framed 1-5) to celebrate the acceptance of our work on amanitin analogs to J. Med. Chem. – well done authors past and present!
Celebrating the successful thesis defense of now-Dr. Mihajlo Todorovic – pic capturing the moment the thesis was adjudicated by the committee, followed by a sunset champagne toast and appies in the garden at the boss’ place and then dinner up on 4th Ave with beer; well done Dr. Todorovic!
Always a favorite of the boss: the department reception that honors undergraduate 445 and 449 students – well done u-grads 2022!
Another Perrin-lab mid-winter tradition resumes…the boss tells us to take Thursday off and hit the snow-packed local hills (and the weather couldn’t have been more cooperative); after sunset, our “non-standard” evening group meeting included mulled wine and hot EtOH-free cider in the boss’ backyard with snacks, and then a restaurant dinner up on 4th Avenue (proof of vaccination required).
Congrats to Somdeb on defending his M.Sc. thesis on chemically modified DNAzymes that cleave RNA targets w/o divalent metal cations.
For those who stayed local during the pandemic, we held a pot-luck dinner in the grad lounge.
In December we all met at Rogue for the first Department Holiday party in nearly two years
Celebrating the successful Ph.D. thesis defense on Friday November 19, 2021 by Dr. Alla Pryyma – we all had Champagne and nibbles following a fantastically well written thesis and well delivered oral defense. Congratulations to Dr. Pryyma.
At summer’s end, we typically treat our undergraduate researchers to Sangria and then to dinner; Sangria blanca came off without a hitch but due to social distancing, dinner was garden-level boxed pizza and other hot appies – staying safe.
A tradition resumes: the Perrin Lab BBQ at Spanish Banks – taking the day off for sun, food, swimming and fun
A vignette of the bottle openers who published since March 2020 – the boss had to get this started with a tutorial
People are smiling while the boss unsheathes the sword (not shown)
As the pandemic finally eased, we celebrated a Perrin lab tradition of sabrage, which is usually performed by the lead author of a publication as soon as the galley proofs are received; with 9 papers published since curtailment and having been unable to celebrate our works in person for the past 15 months, we gathered for a dinner in the garden (note the Napoleonic sword on the table) and cut open 7 bottles of bubbly (two authors have graduated so we didn’t get to all 9).
Two photos from Dr. Matinkhoo’s going away party August 2020 (limited to outside, 90 min, social distancing per health authority guidelines)
2014 Summer Barbeque
2013 Christmas